Samantha Baker Healing

I’ve Got Your Sleep Number

Isn’t waking after a good night’s sleep one of the most wonderful feelings?

Restful sleep doesn’t just feel good, it’s a crucial component for maintaining physical and mental health.  When you sleep your brain is sweeping the cobwebs out of neural pathways and prepping for a productive tomorrow.

How well you think, react, work, learn, and get along with others are impacted by sleep quality.

Almost everyone suffers from some degree of insomnia at one time or another.

Whether you suffer from an occasional restless night or are caught in a cycle of sleeplessness, restorative yoga offers a natural way to get your body back into the practice of relaxing into deep sleep.

Here’s how I know that I’ve got your sleep number; because everyone has the same one and it’s 20!

Did you know….

It only takes 20 seconds (or less) to spark up the fight or flight response in your nervous system and

It takes 20 minutes (or more) to soothe and calm that response.

Pause and digest that for a moment.  Twenty seconds to wind up and 20 minutes to wind down!

It’s no wonder our culture is plagued by erratic sleep patterns. The everyday pace of our culture is not conducive to a well-soothed nervous system. Even yoga teachers get caught up in the swirling activity of life in the 21st century!

Ensuring a nourishing night’s rest is an important part of self-care. Self-care begins by tuning into your body and learning what it needs so you can be your best each day.  It’s important to remember that self-care is NOT selfish. Learning how to consciously calm your nervous system will pave the way for nourishing sleep and make a noticeable impact on you and those around you.

Soften the body, quiet the mind

Restorative yoga is an exceptional tool for triggering the body into a state of deeply rejuvenating rest. It is a form of yoga that virtually anyone can practice because the poses require no physical effort!

The effort expended in restorative yoga lies in consciously tuning in to your body.

Slowing down and lounging on bolsters, blankets and yoga blocks is the embodiment of active relaxation.

Allowing your body to soften and release tension in the confines of the soothing setting of a darkened room and softly spoken guided meditation blurs the edges and edginess of body and mind. Soon, you find yourself slipping into the most blissful state of deep relaxation.

This is the practice of restorative yoga.

The focus of my March Restorative Yoga Class will be relieving sleep disturbance…because everyone deserves restful slumber!  I hope you’ll join me. Click here to register.