Samantha Baker Healing

Slow is the New Fast

The slow and gentle approach to yoga resonates deep within me.  So imagine my delight over the growing social trend of  seeking ways to live at a slower pace.

There’s the emergence of things like the Slow Food movement, which blossomed in response to the rapid growth of unhealthy fast food choices and industrial farming. Then there is the Slow Movement; an entire community of people who “aim to address the issue of ‘time poverty’ through making connections.”  Groups like the Japan Sloth Club and Europe’s Society for the Deceleration of Time signify this as a global trend.

slowflowAren’t there times when you’d just like to take a break from the velocity of your life? If so I can help. I specialize in helping you slow down.

If you are traveling at the speed of light, slowing down can be somewhat of an acquired taste.  A good way to begin to downshift is my Slow Flow yoga class; no heated rooms, skimpy yoga outfits, or jack-rabbit transitions.

Slow Flow is enjoyed in an average temperature room and you glide into the postures with care, savoring them like a home-grown tomato.  And just like the name says, you flow from one pose to the next; like a slow motion dance.

In my Slow Flow you will move in all the ways the body can; flexion and extension, side-bending and twisting to engage all your muscles and reap the same rewards as a hot, fast yoga class minus the madness!

I invite you to tap the brakes and join me for some Slow Flow.


Slow Flow Yoga Tuesday