Samantha Baker Healing

Beginner Yoga Class

DSC_0020Whether you are are new to yoga or returning to your practice,  please consider joining me for this 4-week Beginner’s Yoga Course. This class is for everyone of all ages who are interested in learning the foundations of yoga.

You’ll learn or revisit basic yoga poses, including incorporating breath and meditation practices in a no-pressure, instructive environment.  Discover the stress reduction benefits of yoga that are as valuable as the increased flexibility it offers.

Set the tone for your year by learning or relearning…

  • postures through gentle practice that can accommodate any body,
  • tools to help still the mind, and
  • the centering power of willful, effective breathing.


SATURDAYS 9 – 10:15 AM

JANUARY 9TH, 16TH, 23RD & 30TH

Cost:  $60 for the series

Class limit:  None! We’re online!

~Zoom codes provided once release form and payment are complete~