Samantha Baker Healing

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is enjoying an increase in popularity.  And rightly so!   When an article like this shows up in a mainstream publication like the Boston Globe, it’s cause to celebrate the growing awareness of this age-old beneficial practice.

What is Yoga Nidra?
buddah blankets

Yoga Nidra is an ancient practice used to reduce stress in the modern age.

During each session of Yoga Nidra, you are cradled in a comfortable “nest” or “cocoon” of blankets, pillows, bolsters and eye pillows to ensure that your complete comfort for the duration of the practice.

Using guided visualization, body awareness, a self-created positive resolve/intention, and breathing exercises to access the “rest and digest” nervous system, you will enter a deep state of relaxation while remaining aware of your physical environment.

It is crucial to well-being that you take conscious measures to counteract the “flight or fight” response that modern daily living can often trigger and Yoga Nidra is the perfect antidote! Yoga Nidra naturally promotes a decrease in stress hormones and an increase in immune function resulting in deep healing and rejuvenation.

Each one hour session includes breath exercises (to prepare for the best outcome) and 45-50 minutes of guided meditation/Yoga Nidra.

Please have a comfortable place to lie down, a pillow for under the head and a blanket. Optional bolster/pillow for under knees for final relaxation, as well as an eye pillow. 

Please click the drop down menu to select the session you wish to register for, then click Pay Now. You will be directed to PayPal, for which you do NOT need an account, just a credit card!

Or, you may use Venmo for payment (@Samantha-Baker-174, and use the last 4 digits of my phone #, 1016 to complete the transaction)